We're having a Boy // Gender Reveal

Saturday, April 23, 2016

From the first moment that I found out I was pregnant, I knew we were having a boy. Unlike my pregnancy with Norah, which was practically a walk in the park, I was consistently nauseous, I had aversions to certain foods and drinks (especially coffee...sad face), early onset pain, and consistent headaches. I believe us mothers are so in tune to our bodies that even we can predict the gender before an ultrasound picture tells us.

When I scheduled the appointment for my 2nd trimester screening, I wasn't thinking when I scheduled it mid afternoon on a TUESDAY! There was no way that if we planned another gender reveal party that I was going to wait until the weekend to find out what we were having and I didn't just want to find out at the appointment without some family or Norah around. Thinking fast, after the appointment, we decided to go to Carter's, pick two outfits (one boy and one girl), hand the cashier the envelope with the picture of the gender, and as we walked away, she packaged the outfit and we checked out once she was done.

Once we arrived to my parent's house, we had Norah open the box to reveal what Baby Caruso #2 was going to be. I'm having the hardest time uploading the video. One day I'll figure it out to share.

My husband, who was team blue prior to Norah, was now team pink and loved the thought of having another girl, so he was a little disappointed, at first, but can't wait to raise a little boy.

As for myself, I'm just taking in all the blessings God has bestowed upon our family. To be a mother of soon to be two children is better than all the gifts in the world. My heart is so full right now and I cannot wait to see the bond between Norah and her brother, as they grow up together. On the other hand, I'm definitely going to be doubling up on prayers and coffee during this season of motherhood. This will definitely be uncharted territory for me, so I'm taking in any advice you can give.

The second best part....SHOPPING!! I didn't have an excuse before to spend money, but our little boy needs some clothes and I saw that Carter's, Gap, and Old Navy all have awesome deals right now...Come to think of it, Norah needs summer clothes too! 
Guilty, but not guilty!

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